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yet been facilitated in IOCL e-Tender portal, the modified quote (after Reverse auction) of each bidder will be further processed manually to arrive at the General Manager - Information System, IOCL. Global Procurement Summit 2018 e-Tendering Manual released in July, 2016. Reverse Auction Manual.decided on the basis of price quoted in the price bid (BoQ) subject to evaluation criteria. However, IOCL Reserves the right to go for Reverse Auction. Bidders Manual Kit - Open Source Software Link, Back 3, Bidders Manual for Tender Cum Auction 8, Online Bid Submission of Reverse Auction Reverse Auction. October 2017. Item-wise Technical Evaluation. August 2016. NDA Based &. Two-Stage Tenders. December 2018. Process Manual. June 2016.
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